Because Spouse 1 is such an endearing term, No? (Thanks for the plate, Joy O.)
Now, ahem, I have a very special announcement. Most of you don't know this but the Mr. and I are getting married today. I will no longer be Ms. HLP. Now you can call me
Mrs. HLP! Although, I am going to be BRIDE 4E not BRIDE 1. I mean, you have to feel kind of sorry for poor BRIDE 2 and BRIDE 3. Thanks watercolor for sending this one in a while ago. Sorry, but I just had to save it for today.
Yes, I am obsessed with Horrible License Plates. Some may say it's crazy to post on your wedding day, but I say it's crazy to get a license plate that says BRIDE 1!
We are going to be on our honeymoon for the next two glorious weeks. Posting will resume on May 31. I know it's a long time, so I have prepared what I like to call some "Creepiness Classics" for you that will post each day. I hope you like it. Do you know we've been posting to this website each day for the past 226 days?! I think it's time for a break! See you when we return.
Much love,
The Future Mrs. HLP
In the meantime you can still send plates to our email horriblelicenseplates[at]gmail[dot]com, but the reply will be delayed. I will still probably be checking up on the site and the comments, so keep 'em coming and keep those cameras handy. ReTweets on Twitter will be slow, but I will get to them.