Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Permanent Menstrual Syndrome

There seem to be a lot of moody women on the road. Sometimes I see plates like this and I just want to pull these people over and shake them. Is that so wrong? Does anyone else just want to shake drivers with vanity plates? Hhhhhh! It might be PMS ma'am, but it's a really stupid idea for a vanity plate. IT'S PMS = Hey everyone, I'm a perpetual crazy woman!

Simone, the wonderful reader who sent in this photo, found this license plate in the parking lot of a Kleenex factory. How appropriate.


ET said...

Do they manufacture midol there too? That might help with her issue.

Anonymous said...

See, I actually really, really like this one!

Arlynn said...

Ha, this is one of the best ones yet! I wonder if her husband / boyfriend helped her select it...

Unknown said...

Perfect! I need that one right about now!

Arlynn... he probably got it for her for her birthday!

HorribleLicensePlates said...

If the Mr. got this for me I would totally punch him in the babymaker. Ha!

Deborah Godin said...

Ho-lee! Ain't you never heard of Ben & Jerry's, girl!?

LadyStyx said...

Looks like the driver needs a goodly helping of Godiva chocolates...

Anonymous said...

*groan* I would tell her: "Way to reinforce sexist stereotypes there. Thanks for nothing!"

(And yes, I'm assuming the owner is female.)

..:: C ::.. said...

I think regardless you have to at least applaud her honesty! Better than just saying "NOTHING!" when you ask what's wrong.

Anonymous said...

she's probably fat.

writtenwyrdd said...

Even though I am a cranky beeyatch I wouldn't ever get a plate that shared that with the world.

I have to admit, your site has made me scout out vanity plates. I unfortunately always see them when a camera isn't handy.

B&E AUTO was today's offering. He pulled into a car repair shop, so that seems reasonable, though unfortunate at the same time...

Anonymous said...

Looks like the license plate needs to be re-registered, too. 2002? Maybe the DMV people are too scared of her...

Anonymous said...

Chris, what the hell does fat have to do with PMS?

I'm fat, and I'm pretty sure the only time I get the urge to rip people's truck nutz off is when they say incredibly stupid things.

Anonymous said...

Naamah, I think if someone is *too* overweight (like, really, REALLY), it wrecks the body's scheduling, for lack of a better word. Either they have it all the time or they have it never; I'm not sure which it is, and I'm too lazy (and feeling BLEGH myself) to look it up. Ahem. Anywaaay... I figure the license plate is just the driver's excuse for permanently driving like a bee-yatch.