Wanted: One sidekick. No olfactory bulbs... preferable.
Montana, Montana, Montana. Look what you bring me! The FARTMAN! Does it get much better than this?
This photo exploded into my inbox courtesy of someone named Chrome Toaster. The email goes a little like this:
although the "on the fly" picture on the camera phone doesn't capture the "MONTANA" on the plate, Fartman's chevy pickup was parked outside of the local gas station/convenience store/casino on Labor Day.
My research confirms my suspicion that Howard Stern did, in fact, do a character called Fartman back in the day. According to wikipedia, "Fartman generally attacks evil using his super powered flatulence." So for the 10 year-old boy in everyone of us, I give this the stamp of approval.
Thank you ydontusteponit. That was lovely.
LMAO! I like your title better than the plate itself. You are gifted....
I think I'd still prefer: 2MchCfeMn (if only one could do 9 letters)!
And the sign on the highway says: EAT HERE AND GET GAS
check out the Fartman movie that played on Stern's In Demand cable channel, Howard TV. It's very funny: http://www.atom.com/funny_videos/fartman_caught/
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