Thursday, October 23, 2008

On His Way to Run Over Some Democrats

This is our first plate from Kentucky. It reads: I WORK. The decal reads: I'm a REPUBLICAN because EVERYONE can't be on WELFARE. Now, I know everyone has got their panties in a wad about the upcoming election, and who is wrong and who is right, but can we all take a second to laugh at this? Come on! You needed a decal to explain your plate? Oh, the wonderful stupidity! Last I checked, EVERYONE wasn't on WELFARE, dude. Not only is this offensive—it’s wrong. Esh. Our thanks goes to Jamie for sending in this picture (photographer unknown). Personally, all I will say about this is I think Mr. I WORK has quite the ego-mobile. Also, I bet you are a HOOT at parties. I will leave the rest of the conclusions about this one to the commenters...


Michele said...

Anna over at abdpbt
is looking for stupid people of the week today. I think this unknown vehicle owner fits the bill.

Thanks for visiting the blog.

Persnickety Ticker said...

This guy needs to have a collision with an I-SUE vanity plate.

Evelyn said...

The faulty grammar is funniest of all. Although even if it were corrected to "I'm Republican because not everyone can be on welfare", it would still annoy me.

Mark said...

How did this blog get so preachy?

P.S. my word verification was enema

HorribleLicensePlates said...

mark - ask your brother

Anonymous said...

Were there a set of "balls" hanging from the truck?

HorribleLicensePlates said...

No, but I have one of those coming up!! Watch for it!!

Fishin' Mama said...

Wow...I thought idiots like this lived in California....I'm gonna be on the lookout for you...there are some doozys here.

Chrissy said...

*snickers* .... enema.....

Hossrex said...

Wow... I agree with this guys politics... but... wow... still... what an idiot.

It'd be one thing to say "too many people are on welfare"... but this is stupid.

FreedomFirst said...

That's nice. I'll expect him to keep on plugging away then, while McCain forces all the rest of us who never wanted to be on welfare, to apply for it - only to be denied.

Anonymous said...

OK, if he lost his job and went on unemployment, I'd lawl.

(Interesting that I assume it's a guy... maybe it's the truck)

Anonymous said...

This one makes me want to vomit.

Anonymous said...

sarcasm just doesn't come across well when it's on a truck, in a book, on a blog, etc.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he is tired of his money being taken away from him and given to people that don't feel the need to work (not saying all people on WelFare don't want to work, but let's face it, some don't).