Thursday, December 18, 2008

Check out the double Qs on that lady!

I am going to go ahead and say that this might be the greatest plate I have seen so far. Now, usually we are haters of vanity plates, but there are some very rare plates we see that make us rethink our philosophy.

This is one of them.

First, this driver supports (get it, supports, har har) a really great cause. Second, they managed to use the letter of the alphabet with an actual nipple on it. Don't those double Qs look like a set of boobies? Heehee, I said boobies!

Thanks to Robyn for sending this in.


ET said...

I would totally motorboat those Q-bees.

Deborah Godin said...

That truly is a great plate, and the "Q"s are really clever. Not perky, but clever.

Anonymous said...

Yeah those Q's are sagging a little bit. We need a little "lift and separate" action.
Twenty bucks says they had a Save the Ta-Ta's bumper sticker somewhere on the car.

Mari said...

They also look like a pair of eyes looking at boobs...

April said...

That is the cutest plate EVER!! Saggin' Q's are just a part of life - it happens. Especially a couple kids later. And, I totally sport my Save the Tata's t-shirt - saggin' Q's and all!!

Kat said...

That is great! Huzzah to bustiness and those that support it :)

Alison said...

Yeah, I'd rather have sagging Qs than none! Kudos to this driver for spreading smiles. (Although I can just imagine the snickers of a couple of preteen boys in the back of the minivan...)

watercolordaisy said...


Persnickety Ticker said...

Who knew they could do saggy ta-tas on a vanity plate!

At least we know they are "real".

Thanks! This was a great plate!

Megan said...

LOL! This is great!

Poetry Sue said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha boobies *snicker*

Susan said...

What if the driver only used Q's because BOOBS was already taken and didn't think about what it would look like? Funny in a different way!

LadyStyx said...

totally AWESOME! I bet you're right Leslie...there's GOTTA be a Save the Ta-Ta's sticker on that vehicle somewhere!

Bridgete said...

Now all she needs is the "support our boobs" ribbon magnet and she'll be all set.

Cloudia said...

teee heeee! you said 'boobies'
did you see "One word, one rung, one day" today? Must be something in the air. . . Aloha!

Anonymous said...

Obviously the double Qs are going to sag. If you think double Ds are hard to support imagine double Qs.

writtenwyrdd said...

This is my favorite so far, hands down. Makes me *sniff* proud I live in Maine....

writtenwyrdd said...

Reading the comments, I have to concur there must be a Save the TaTas sticker or tee shirt around there someplace.