Friday, December 5, 2008

A Face Only a Mother Could Love

BAG FACE, you are a mystery on wheels. All I could do was laugh when I saw this photo (sent in by Samantha). She writes: I saw this plate while driving through a business complex. I had to go back and make sure I read it right. BAG FACE. WTH?

My guess is that BAG FACE has a dreamboat body, but a shipwreck face. Something a brown bag might remedy. I could also guess that the driver of this car has some sort of Halloween costume called BAG FACE that they really think is great. I would redirect you to what the Urban Dictionary's loose definition of this is, but it gets a little racy. Let's just say it involves a tea bag.

I don't know. What do you think?


JAMIE'S CREW said...

Perhaps it is an insult to the tailgater behind that driver?

I mean - I doubt even in California could F**k face get put on a license plate.

Anonymous said...

Does that say, "Get a Jolly; Ride a Trolly?"

Um, I do NOT want to know what a jolly is.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

How did I miss that!? hahah!!

A jolly:

Becky said...

OMG. I just looked up bag face / tea bag on the urban dictionary. Someone should really find the owner of this tag and warn them of the meaning. LMAO!!!! Ok, maybe it's funnier if they don't know...

FreedomFirst said...

Maybe she has big bags of skin on her face? It could be a lame request for donations to get a facelift.

April said...

Well...having grown up in California... I can understand what this says. Who hasn't seen that person who has that rockin' bod with that butter face. (Butter face = everything is hot butt-er face! Get it?! Ha!)Anyway - I'm thinking that this person knows she/he's got a beastly lookin' mug and they OWN IT!! Rock on Bag Face - Rock on!!
-Oh, and if you haven't ridden a Trolly in San Francisco, you've never quite had "the pleasure". Not really. That's a dumb license plate frame.

watercolordaisy said...

Saints fan? lol!

Deborah Godin said...

"Seemed like a good idea at the time"... In general, I'm not sure about putting pet nicknames or private jokes between couples out there for the world to see. Bound to be someone with a smart-alecky blog who will make (well-deserved)fun of you!! (fortunately, my own personalized palte hasn't shown up here yet)

Mari said...

What is get a jolly ride a trolley around the license plate? Hmm...

I thought maybe it was someone who got a lot of plastic surgery or robbed banks for a living... once again, would like to see this driver!

Maybe she looks like that landlady Magda in something about Mary.

Anonymous said...

I assumed that the car belonged to the little kid from the movie "The Orphanage", whom we took to calling little sack head. Or maybe one of the folks from "The Strangers"?
Or maybe just someone who ran out of ideas for Halloween costumes?

LadyStyx said...

Man, whatta good one!

Persnickety Ticker said...
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Persnickety Ticker said...

I have to admit when I saw that plate my mind took a trip through the gutter.


Unknown said...

All I could picture was the scarecrow from Batman with the burlap bag for a face..

JB said...

Watercolor it took me a minute b4 I realized the connection. Oh and the shame especially because I am from New Orleans. Those Saints are still giving the fans a bunch of grief. At least we won tonight.

Chelle said...

My ex mother in law was ISSUED a license with the letters H-A-G as the first 3 characters, followed by 3 numbers.

It was beautiful.