Friday, November 7, 2008

Get me to the nearest Hagen-Daz, STAT

What on this good earth makes this an attractive plate to get!? What is it? The migraine headaches? The cramps? The bloating? The unnatural craving to pour chocolate syrup in your orange juice? The urge cry during Kodak commercials (this one always gets me)? Sounds great. Sign me up.

Really, it's quite a clever plate. You instill fear in the hearts of all drivers you pass, and I know I would be scared to cut you off in traffic. Particularly, because I am fearful that you keep a supply of large rocks in your van, so you can hurl them at what you think are bad drivers. Thanks to dizzblnd for sending this one in (photographer unknown).


Unknown said...

YAY! You are so good with words in describing these plates

I love this blog

Kat said... that better the Annual from SNL?

Becky said...

Wow. I just watched the commercial. I totally cried. Wonder if that tag is already taken in SC???

FreedomFirst said...

Actually, I think this plate is clever, because it combines enough letters and numbers that you might not catch right away that it's a vanity plate.

But isn't it going to be obsolete in a few years?

Anonymous said...

My first thought was: that ought to qualify her for a special parking permit.
Second thought: does her husbnad ever have to drive that car???
Third thought: There's a Milwaukie in Oregon??? Okay, so it's spelled different, that makes it alright?

Unknown said...

That's a great commercial. The Publix commercials also make me cry during Aunt Flo's visit

Anonymous said...

And in a few more years it'll be HTFLSHES..

Kirsten said...

I think it's a good way for all of us to keep away from this chick.
Do you think her husband is embarrassed to borrow her car?

The Courteous Chihuahua said...


Now that I've discovered your blog, of course, I'm not seeing any good plates around here.

However, this might be fun for you:

Word Ninja said...

Drat! Now I won't be able to use that one! Nothing says "get the &#%! outta my way!" like 24/7 PMSing!

Word Ninja said...

haha, bet the meter maid "ignores" this one when time runs out ;)....or maybe not, those people are hard core

writtenwyrdd said...

Non threatening, and yet... I would avoid ticking this gal off, too!

ET said...

Uh, I do not want to be that person's friend.

Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never Do said...

I am so glad I am not alone in crying at commercials.

Amanda said...

I bet the cops are afraid to pull her over for speeding too. You could get away with quite a bit with this plate....

Unknown said...

LMAO leslie... thanks for the idea!