Sunday, November 30, 2008

The age old question: Submissive Woman or Lovin' the Lord?

What do you think? Submissive woman or Lovin' the Lord? And really, should you be bragging about this sort of thing? I am assuming HIM is Jesus, or your husband, but it could also be "the man", Dr. Oz, Ron Popeil, or Patrick Dempsey. Maybe it's the devil? WHO FN KNOWS.

Just another example of why vanity plates suck the big one. Thanks Heather B. for your wonderful contribution for Lovin' the Lord Sunday.


Rinna. said...

Don't you just get the urge to pull them over and ask?

LadyStyx said...

I woulda, but considering the traffic that wasnt advisable.

Actually, upon another look at it...Im wondering if the driver wasnt Leavin 4 Him....

Anonymous said...

LOL...Ron Popeil ftw!

HorribleLicensePlates said...

set it; and forget it!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Could be LEAVIN' 4 him as well. Leaving what? Who knows!?

Word Ninja said...

"living for him" perhaps? scary, either way

Anonymous said...

What is this, like, Vicki Carr's plate???

Kati said...

I vote for Patrick Dempsey. I'd live for him any day.

Misha said...

Ah, Virginia. You silly little commonwealth, you. I've never seen so many religious license plates as I have here... And I've lived in Georgia!

Anonymous said...

There was a LVN4JC (or maybe LIVN4JC) at my previous job in New Jersey. I'm assuming that one meant "Him" as well, as I doubt anyone would admit to either living or leaving for Jersey City.

Intense Guy said...

excellent find ladystyx!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Lovin' but rather Livin'.