Monday, November 10, 2008

Out of My Lane... Or I Will Nom You to Death

I'm sorry. I am going to do this to you again. I just can't fight the power that is cuteness. Meh, I am a weak. What is NOM NOM, you ask? Well according to Urban Dictionary, (which I've had to bookmark since starting this site) it means:

(1) Represents the sound made when someone is eating or chewing something and really enjoying it. "Hey, are you eating my brownies?" "Nom nom nom."
(2) to eat with extreme delight

If you are still confused, there are some very cute kittehs showing off their nom nom talent here, and here.

I do, however, love this plate. I know, right? I love a vanity plate! Hell must have froze over. Thanks goes to Squidrox and her kitteh, Nom, for sending in today's plate. Horrible license plates resume tomorrow.


Word Ninja said...

Having been a fan of Nom Nom for years before the popular public picked it up, this plate makes me happy =) Glad to see Ohio spreading the word

Kat said...

Huh, when I saw this plate I thought of this cartoon we saw yesterday


Persnickety Ticker said...

Because who doesn't love a good NOM!


ET said...

looks like nom nom could use a good wash

FreedomFirst said...

I always thought it was a baby's pacifier. Shows what I know....


I love this plate! And, appropriately, I was nommin' my dinner when I read this post. :)

Anonymous said...

that cat eating corn on the cob is adorable! it makes me want to look up more videos of "animals noming"

wvc said...

Haha! I adore Nom Nom!

Unknown said...

Oh my god. I am actually jealous of this plate.