Monday, November 24, 2008

Would You Like a Popsicle?

Interesting choice in plates, PERV. This is completely disturbing. You managed to do creepiness in 4 characters, which I believe is the all time record. I would give you a high five, but I am afraid you might try and cop a feel. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy has the words "free candy" spray painted on the side of his car. Who wants to take a ride? Ladies?

And for the obligatory You Tube video: Herbert the Pervert from Family Guy singing "I Know What Boys Like" and a lengthy Tribute. Enjoy, paperboy!


Persnickety Ticker said...

How much you want to bet this guy is not the most popular dude in his neighborhood. And you just know it has to be a guy. Women would just not be that creepy as a rule.

At least he didn't have a front plate that said KINKY. Cuz that would be overkill.

tank said...

I'm surprised the state would issue a plate with that on it...hmmm, but that's an idea. Maybe all sex offenders should have special plates like this.

FreedomFirst said...

Now there is someone whose tires I wouldn't mind slashing just because. You know, on general principles.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...this plate I could see on Larry Flynt's car and it would still be somehow strangely classy.
On any other car it just screams, "Come here children, I have candy."

Unknown said...

I wonder if that is a requirement as a sex offender.. still.. how creepy

Poetry Sue said...

I know a few people who qualify to actually own this plate... sigh ...and they are my good friends...

LOL Word verification: dismen

LadyStyx said...

Im with tg and dizz...make it a requirement for sex offenders complete with their 4 digit prisoner number....

ok, so, Im still a tad bitter...

Anonymous said...

The only thing more wretched than this plate would be this plate on an old panel van. Feh!

Becky said...

That is horrible!!!

MooseNuggette said...

Maybe it's short for Peruvian and they just don't know what it means in this country. I'm guessing someone will 'splain it to them.