Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Does It Really Pay To Advertise?

Sorry for the quality of this photo, but I just had to post this one from Sandi W. Um, does that say (**Cover the eyes of your children) Bitch Magnet? I guess it could also be Beach Magnet, but really, is anyone actually thinking that? Bitch pah-leez.

To this driver: I am sure the ladies love you. Not only for your annoying vanity plate, but for your terrible ability to abbreviate and spell words. MGN8 = Magnate? Does anyone else have the urge to drive off the road after trying to piece this one together?

Most Wanted via Twitter for the week of 3/29

Word up to my Tweeters. We are up to 173 followers. How did that happen!? Soon, we'll take over the world. Patience, my platerazzi. Patience.

The most wanted this week were fantastic. I laughed so hard I cried. I always advise you to carry a camera, but if you happen to miss a plate send it our way via Twitter. It's my favorite part of the week! @LicensePlteBlah

museummusings@LicensePlteBlah Seen in the grocery store parking lot in RI: CSHEL ... seashell? It is an RI plate after all.

inearlymorning@LicensePlteBlah PWND on a motorcycle.

kaseynicole@LicensePlteBlah Interesting fact: New Alaska Attorney General drives a Hummer with the plate WAR on it. Just happen to be his initials.

DChi606@LicensePlteBlah "MAIN MAN" on some crappy old Buick. Barf.

blckroses@LicensePlteBlah On a little black sports car in Tucson, AZ "SHEZA10"

Popularoutcasts@LicensePlteBlah this is pretty good http://twitpic.com/2ey8w

trekkiegal@LicensePlteBlah I happened up this page, which goes along with the plate I mentioned earlier: http://tinyurl.com/lotrplates

trekkiegal@LicensePlteBlah At the post office last night: ROHRRIM. The license plate holder was "One Ring to Find Them". LOTR fan, perhaps?

laughingkatieHere's a few I've seen recently - BATE ME. CHACH E. TTYL. TAIL GN.

mouseybrat@LicensePlteBlah my latest sightings: FLUFFO, RINGO, SNAFU, SKI CAR and a red corvette with IRSHWK.

heather_bf@LicensePlteBlah BDGIFT on a WI Packers plate. I first read it as "bad gift"

PrincessPissy@LicensePlteBlah PA plates: "THE CEO" and "REPENT"

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cute As A Bug

So I have to admit, this plate is funny. It's rare occurrence when someone sends us pictures of their own plate. I think most people fear our severe plate rage (and rightfully so), but with this submission we actually thought EWWABUG was quite clever. Welcome to the actually funny category Morgan. Now can someone pass me the Raid?

If you would like to see more humorous plates, check out our actually funny archive.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here Comes the Sun

Welcome to Lovin' the Lord, our weekly roundup of the best (?) religious license plates. I really didn't think that after almost 6 months we'd still be doing this feature, but the plates keep jamming our inbox.

Stephanie sends us GODSSUN: Finally! I have been stalking this HLP forever! I used to see it all the time, but never had my camera with me, but today was my lucky day! I guess this could technically a "Loving the Lord," but the owner seems to be confused. Jesus is God's SON, not his SUN. Or is this a nature-based religion practitioner? Enjoy anyway!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life Lesson #22: Dating is awkward, but so is becoming the crazy cat lady

So I can't tell if these people are creepy, or just really like cat noises. Now that I type the phrase really like cat noises I realize: That is a wee creepy too, no?

Georgina S. (MMEOW) and Katie O. (PURRR-7) sent these in within days of each other, and I thought to myself, purrrrrrfect. Good timing ladies. Here is my fav CCL commercial via You Tube:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Excuse Me Sir, Your Balls Are Showing

What's that glittering from beneath your custom trailer hitch cover? Why yes, it's a pair of silver truck balls! Excuse me, I need to lean to the side for a moment, so I can barf into this trash receptacle. Actually, OBNXOUS would be an excellent way to describe this monstrosity.

Squidrox, did you get a kick at these? Heh heh.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Will Get You My Pretty... And Your Little Vanity Plate Too!!

WIKED comes to use from Smoochiefrog. She writes: ...like totally!

Jen H. managed to grab this photo of SINI5TR (that 5 is supposed to be an S. I know... I know... Argh!). Her comments made me laugh: The car actually looked somewhat sinister... Although, if the devil were driving around on Earth, would he really drive a Honda Civic? I guess if it was a Honda Civic it would be red, and spit more fire.

Donna F. sent in this gem from Virginia. She writes: Ooooooh I'm sooooo scared! No, really, moms in SUVs truly terrify me! I get nightmares!

Vanity plates like this give me nightmares. Today's set of plates were truly creepiness at it's finest. Hats off to the platerazzi for their fine work on these!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We'll Eat Your Brains!

From Wikipedia: A zombie is a person who behaves like human automaton (usually after being resurrected and stripped of their soul), most commonly seen in fiction as a reanimated human corpse.

Not one, TWO of these things. And they own a *cue scary voice* TOYOTA! The horror! *lightening strikes* *evil laugh* MUHUHEHAHAHA.

Tell me, Kolleen, was their driving a bit erratic?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Bite

Kati writes to us: The smartaleck in me wants to point out that a Jaguar is a cat, not a dog. But then I thought maybe he just has a pit bull in his car. Either way, if he's not a former Marine, it's creepy!

Maybe it's a new breed of dog? Pointy ears, pointy tail, red coat, an appetite for souls...?

Most Wanted From Twitter For The Week Of 3/22

Ah, this is turning out to be one of my favorite times of the week: the tweets from my Twitter Platerazzi! Last I checked we were up to 120 followers. Dang yo! Message us @LicensePlteBlah.

LittleMiu@LicensePlteBlah Spotted a plate on the way to Target today: "TRYGOD1". I have now made a vow to always carry a camera.

inearlymorning@LicensePlteBlah LV2HUNT...my WoW playing boyfriend read it as lvl 2 hunter.

PrincessPissy@LicensePlteBlah http://twitpic.com/29e1g

DChi606@LicensePlteBlah Again in the grocery store parking lot, "PEPPERY". Do they have gray hair? Maybe they're feisty? I'm so confused.

LRide@licenseplteblah VA Plate-WDOWMAKR...Widow Maker!? What does this guy do for a living?!

kmtetour@LicensePlteBlah IWIN 24 zoomed past me after unnecessarily tailgaiting me for 5 minutes.

Mouseybrat @LicensePlteBlah New this week, obnoxious mercedes owner had JALOPY, florida plate with NOT SANE and in sports PEACE 5, POPPA 6.

Wolverinegirl @LicensePlteBlah I saw a slightly disturbing one today - MRA55. Does he breed donkeys or just have a huge butt? Or maybe he is a huge butt.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Silent, But Deadly

Ftttppppttttt. That was the sound of me farting on this Prius. Hope you liked it. Who hates gas now Mr. Hybrid?

Thanks for the plate Kolleen.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

On The 8th Day God Created Vanity Plates, "Oops."

HES RESN (He's Risen). Another vague reference to our friend Jesus.

I guess you could also go with Has Rasin (I has rasin! It's in the trunk, and it's magical!).

Thanks to Sara S. for the photo!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Google Myself Regularly

QTEP2T (Cutie Patootie). The Urban Dictionary defines it as: Someone or something so cute that the word cute itself has to morph into something cuter, thus cutie patootie was born. Photo credit to Alison of Laugh Until Your Cheeks Hurt.

Our friend Squidrox found TOO QUTE (Too Cute). Is this super annoying to anyone else? Like the fact that this driver is using a Q to replace a C? I mean Too Quite doesn't make much sense. It's like vanity plate brain torture. Oh wait, I think that is what we call PLATE RAGE! Argh!

More people who are full of themselves here.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Insert "laying pipe" joke here

Sarah W. sent me this most humorous plate, I(Heart)LEAKS. She writes: This was, in fact, on a plumber's truck, but I still find it disturbing nonetheless. Credit to my friends Brittany and Valerie for spotting it.

Could have also been a urologist, no? An adult diaper salesman, perhaps? I always like to imagine that if ever I needed a plumber he would show up in red overalls and say nothing but, "It's a'ME, Mario!"

Thursday, March 19, 2009

If You Choke A Smurf, What Color Does He Turn?

1BD SMRF (One Bad Smurf, I assume) comes to use from Jen D. I am confused though, the smurfs weren't bad as I recall. So why did this driver feel like he could ruin their cute image by calling himself (or his ugly blue car) a bad smurf? As far as I knew these blue creatures were living in Smurf Village in mushrooms houses deep in the woods. Do you live in a mushroom, sir? Are you "three apples tall"? Do you consume smurfberries and go on adventures to fight the evil Gargamel? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Interesting Smurf factoid for you (from wikipedia): The Smurfs was named the 97th best animated series by IGN. They called it "kiddie cocaine" for people growing up during the Eighties.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Please Fasten Seatbelts To Avoid Brain Injury

I'll ask Amanda to explain this vanity plate. Oooh the plate rage just burns inside of me! Take it away Amanda:

While driving to a St. Patty's day party on Saturday evening, I noticed this little gem... Here's the conversation:

Husband: What's so funny?
Me: Do you have the camera?
Husband: Why?
Me: I want to get a picture of that vanity plate.
Husband: Is this for one of those dumb blogs you read?
Me: They aren't dumb. Do you have the camera?
Husband: Here. But please be discreet. I don't want this guy to think we are stalking him.
Me: Can you speed up so I can get closer?
Husband: Why do you think they invented zoom?
Me: I need to make sure it's clear and steady?
Husband: At the risk of a ticket and a stalker profile? *mutters* this is ridiculous
Me: Oh goody a red light, get behind him. *CLICK*
Husband: Okay, can we put the camera away now?
Me: Sure. Until I find another stupid plate.
Husband: *sigh*

Oh, and he wasn't able to read this at first.....see if you can....


Yep....you got it My Toy S [backwards!]

Is a Carolla S really something to brag about?

You know, I don't think so, but to each his own. If you are going to write something backwards on your plate at least make it clever and not the name of your car. How about E NUF TN?

And thank you to Amanda for sticking up for our dumb blog. We even love our H8Rs.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

They're Always After me Lucky Charms!

ALWS LKY (Always lucky) comes to us from Jen H. Yeah, you'll always be lucky until someone rear-ends your bright yellow Porsche, probably from sheer frustration. The vibe coming off your sports car's vanity plate screams, "Pull me over for irony, please."
By the way, Happy St. Patty's Day. Are you feeling lucky? Heidi managed to find us another gloating lucky vanity plate owner, LUCKYME. Really? Must this driver rub it in our unlucky faces? Lucky for this driver, they've made it into the "completely annoying" category here on VP:CI8COL.

Now, who wants to start drinking?

Most Wanted via Twitter for the week of 3/15

Word up to all my Tweeters! Once again this week I've had to narrow the list to our favorites because the response was overwhelming, but all of the tweets made me chuckle. Rock on my platerazzi friends! As always, you can join us @LicensePlteBlah via Twitter. Share your Most Wanted in the comments. See you next week!

dave6834@LicensePlteBlah I saw a courier the other day with license plate: CURRIER. Does he curry favor? or make good curry? Not sure...

j_hulme @LicensePlteBlah - IAMASPY - covert FAIL!

AbsoluteLeigh@LicensePlteBlah During rush hour--ILUV ICE--Cold? Bling? Drugs? You decide.

MusicGrl@licenseplteblah on VA plates: 2LIPS4U I suppose I'm supposed to think flowers, but I don't. :-p

DChi606@LicensePlteBlah "5 BOYZ" Let me guess how many sons they have.

dandibandit@licenseplteblah Illinois license plate: NOT DULL.

nickichai@LicensePlteBlah THE AXE - a woodcutter, or the corporate layoff guy?

museummusings@LicensePlteBlah Saw a gold minivan with RI plates: "HELPME" Help with what exactly? Also seen today: "SEGA" a video gamer perhaps?

amtatunc@LicensePlteBlah MY KARMA on a Prius. Smug sense of superiority, anyone?

kaseynicole@LicensePlteBlah Spotted on the back of a new 4-Runner: THA1

linearlymorning@LicensePlteBlah Mini Cooper with plate PLATO. I giggled.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mo' Problem$

Nikki sent this one over with the comment : What, a plate with the correct spelling of MONEY was already taken? Sigh. You know what the Notorious B.I.G. said about mo' money? Mo' problems.

But I guess they could be a huge Billy Idol fan too. Shoot 'em down turn around come on Mony. Jen H. sent us DRLBILL (dollar bill), y'all.

Amanda snapped this gem, 100-LRG (100 large). According to the Urban Dictionary 100 Large is $100,000. Bling-bling.
Okay, I'm not going to lie. This next one took me a while to figure out. It comes from us from, coincidentally, another Jen H. 14DMONY reads, "One for the money." Now go, cat, go!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

They'll know we are XRSTAIN by our license plates

Jen H. writes to us: This is definitely my first real stalker-azzi plate. I was so intent on capturing XRSTIAN for an option for Lovin' the Lord Sundays that I quite happily drove past my home and kept following until we entered a turn lane that had a red light. Once I had the picture, I left the turn lane and maneuvered my way back home, wondering how much I creeped out that driver :)

Now that, my friends, is dedication! I love it. More Lovin' the Lord here.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's burning my eyes

TORCHT (Torch it) comes to us from Nancy. I just couldn't resist posting this. You know I have a weakness for lame car decals and truck nuts.


Friday, March 13, 2009

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS

You may be the worlds biggest Barbara Streisand fan, but everyone else thinks you love bull, uh, poop.

Poop is raining from the ceilings. Poop! - Angela, The Office

Thanks Megan G! ILUVBS2.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hate Tha Playa', Not Tha Game

Let me put down this Haterade I was sipping, to bring you this latest set of plates. Our first victim today is LV2HT IT (love to hate it) from Sara R. You know what's an awesome feeling? When people who don't even know you already hate you. Thanks for that. Also, I am grateful that you included the space between LV2HT and IT, because, personally, I would prefer not see the word "tit" spelled out on a license plate.

Our second plate comes from Jen D. -- YBH8N (Why be hatin'?). I think the proper grammar here would be, "Why are you hating?" but I guess that wouldn't have been as gangsta.
DONTH8 (Don't Hate) comes to us from Taylor. I think it's a very appropriate ending to this post. Don't hate... Appreciate!

**Update: These two plates (below) were in my inbox this morning, I just had to share. H8HERZ is from LadyStyx and STOP H8N comes from Tracie H. I didn't realize H8 was such a hot issue.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hump Day Zen

Alright, let's get in the lotus position, put our hands on our knees, and start chanting. We have a lot of plate rage to release to the cosmos. Let go of that fact that no one seems to know how to drive -- especially vanity plate owners. Ignore gross misspellings and use of numbers to represent letters. Relax...

Shut your eyes, and take a deep cleansing breath... in... and out... OMMMM.

Now, doesn't that feel better? Although I would not recommend this exercise while driving.

The plate rage resumes tomorrow. Thanks to Rachel for the plate!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're Not Going To Guam Are We?

I'm lost too. Melissa P. snapped this picture 8 years ago: This car was parked in front of my building in LA. I snapped a pic of it that night and have been using for my Blogger profile image for years.

I immediately thought of one of my favorite shows - LOST. I am addicted to TV Guide's recaps so if you are a fan of this show I would check them out. Namaste!
Cliff M. sent us WHR AMI (Where am I?), a plate from a fellow local resident's car. He writes: We're used to tourists not being able to find their way around the island (despite the fact there's only one major road), but locals who claim not to know where they are get no sympathy.

You mean the others? I didn't know the Dharma Initiative gave out SC plates.

You'll have to excuse me now. I have some flaming darts to dodge.

Most Wanted for the week of 3/8

Here's this week's sampling of the Most Wanted from Twitter. @LRide I wish I could have seen this car -- Definitely a most wanted plate! Let us know your favorites or your own Most Wanted plates in the comments. And don't forget -- Tweet us @LicensePlteBlah be-otches!

AbsoluteLeigh@LicensePlteBlah on a convertible--SUNDOWN. Must be a big Gordon Lightfoot fan.

BrettPrincessPissy@LicensePlteBlah http://twitpic.com/1wsj9
DChi606@LicensePlteBlah "GTSMART" on... A smart car.

inearlymorning@LicensePlteBlah K2 P2...I had to google it to find out what it meant.

DChi606@LicensePlteBlah "4ARHINO" Huh?

MusicGrl@LicensePlteBlah VA plate - ANTIE EM

inearlymorning@LicensePlteBlah Lame plate of the day: TTFN. It wasn't even a fast car, just some boring white sedan.

shaebay@LicensePlteBlah - saw one yesterday that said E-COLI1

LRide@LicensePlteBlah I saw WITEBOI driving in a WalMart-modified Honda last night. and yes, he DID have a flat brimmed hat on sideways.

DChi606@LicensePlteBlah "LIV2B" Live to be what? Please tell me!!

Mouseybrat @LicensePlteBlah slow week. only saw SWAG and CAV TWO.

laughingkatie @LicensePlteBlah Saw one when I was in NY - "IVALID8" - couldn't tell what he validates - parking tickets o you existence on this planet...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shut Your Sass Hole

I just want to start this post by saying they call them vanity plates for a reason."Starring Me" comes from Melani X. She writes: This is one of those annoying plates that makes me want to walk by and "accidentally" key their car...

2 SASS C (Too Sassy) comes from April: I give this one two snaps in a Z-formation! Ahahahaha!

Finally, we have SPLDBRT (Spoiled Brat) which came to us from Dan W. This is actually his wife's plate. Way to throw her under the bus. We love ya!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happiness Is Being In Heaven, I Mean... Maui

I was in the parking lot today with my 8 year old daughter who said... "Look mom, there was a license plate that said goo chick." I was intrigued just enough to go back and take a look. Imagine my surprise and delight, because I just found another Horrible-License-Plate-Blog-worthy entry when I saw this gem!!! Oh man...


Not only is is worthy enough for the blog, it's worthy enough for the honor of a Lovin' the Lord post. If you look closely, I believe it says GODCHIC, but you are totally right Alison, it looks like GOO from afar.
This is another good example of a Lovin' the Lord plate on a luxury vehicle.

Also I am happy to welcome our new younger members to the platerazzi!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm The Mommy, That's Why

Yeah she was evil, but I still love her. I don't know if I would have gone so far as to get a vanity plate announcing the fact that she had her true evil moments, but to each his own. And by true evil moments I mean she wouldn't let me eat the whole box of fruit roll-ups in one sitting.

More evil here.

Thanks Lexi.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Kind Of A Big Deal

Dude, I hope you are referring to your obnoxious SUV...

Another great catch, Donna F!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Riding in this car may result in fresher breath

Get it? Black + Acura = BLACURA? I know, try not rolling your eyes for the rest of this post. I warn you: It's going to be hard. It's a SMART car! *Insert I've-gone-completely-mad cackle here* This driver took it one step further than they probably should have. (Is Inspector Morse really a hunk? You decide.)

RNG BUG? If you are still having trouble with this one, let me offer you some help. R=[ahr]. NG=[inj]. [ahr]+[inj] = ahrinj? (slow it down... spread it out...) Orange!! It's an orange bug. Whew. That one hurt a little.

It's light green! It's a Honda Element! It's an EleMINT. HAR HAR HAR.

Photo credits:




Wednesday, March 4, 2009


For some reason our Facebook link wasn't working, and I apologize to everyone who has tried to friend us lately. Especially to KAB1983, who e-mailed us last night:

Dude, your facebook link just takes me to the main page of facebook. I really want to be your friend. You want me to be your friend don't you?

So I fixed it! Friend us here.

Apple Bottom Jeans, Plates With The Fur

I can't tell if you are really hairy, or you own 12 cats. Do you see the confusion here? Maybe you own a lot of fur coats? If that is the case, I would watch out for those PETA folks. Either way, I have to agree with Squidrox: These people probably need to pick up a new vacuum.

Photo credit goes to Squidrox's son. Welcome to the platerazzi my friend!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm Freakin' Out Man

That's right. This driver is proudly hot boxin' it. For those of you confused as to what that might be, let me open the Urban Dictionary for you and help clear this up:

hot boxin': Smoking cannabis/marijuana in smallish inclosed space causing the smoke to fill the room/car and be reinhaled. The room/car often starts to heat up during the procces. Often done more by high/college students then older smokers.

I bet Nancy snapped the photo of this car at a dead stop at a green light. You stoners are so entertaining.

Most Wanted for the week of 3/1

Here is your weekly dose of what everyone has been tweeting over on Twitter. I had to narrow the list down a bit this week because there was an overwhelming number of HLPs out there this week. Come join the fun @LicensePlteBlah. @twinmomma's tweet of DMBLVR made my eye twitch a little. I love it! Great work my friends!

And vanity plate owners: There's no where left to hide. The platerazzi will find you.

MrsRJRG@LicensePlteBlah "DUKNUTZ" I'm not really sure what to make of that

MrsRJRG@LicensePlteBlah "APERFIC" driving a Honda Fit of course!

kthxbeth@LicensePlteBlah "FUN GAL" ...something tells me she didn't think that one through all the way.

twinmomma@LicensePlteBlah I have yet to get a pic of it, but there is a plate by my house that says "DMBLVR". I assume Dave Matthews Band. (I think this tweet got cut short, but I think what twinmomma was going to point out was that it looks like DUMBLOVER, and I agree! Ha!)

xoSarah@LicensePlteBlah RIKROLL--SO mad I didn't get a picture.

kthxbeth@LicensePlteBlah "GARROTE" (I'm scared)

schwalb@LicensePlteBlah was cut off by KREEE8V this morning... was annoyed at both bad driving and lame (creative?) spelling.

j_hulme@LicensePlteBlah 1DERYRZ - I didn't get a chance to see if it was Fred Savage driving :)

DChi606@LicensePlteBlah A big pick-up truck with plate "MR WOOD." I'm assuming the owner is in construction, but wonder how that slipped by DMV.

Freedomfirst @LicensePlteBlah I saw a Jersey license plate that really got the rage going a few days ago. "SEE SAW". I kid you not.

mouseybratAfter @LicensePlteBlah a week of seeing names i finally saw: LALA, STRAYS, ERGOSUM, COUSIN, FSTWRX (on a subaru wrx) and PTBEAR (on a pt cruiser).

Monday, March 2, 2009

Oh Yes I Did

Oh no you didn't just get the world's worst vanity plate?

Oh yes, you did. Girlfriend, you know how much we love drama.

Photo credit to Kate. Thanks!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Praise. Then Curse.

Amanda writes to us:

Long time reader ... first time submitter.
Praise to God?
President too Good? You be the judge.

Well, since it is Lovin' the Lord Sunday, I'm going to have to choose Praise to God. But according to the Urban Dictionary, GD can mean a number of things. See #7.