Friday, January 1, 2010

Better than the whole one I guess

Kelly M. shared this photo with us, HALFAZN (Half-Assin'?). To "half ass" something means to do a job poorly, at say, 50% the quality it should have been done. Glad this driver isn't ashamed to be so up front about it. Kelly also included this photo of this driver's rear-view mirror decoration:
Well, to that I say spell out I-H-O-P and then say "ness."

Happy New Year my platerazzi!


Anonymous said...

AZN is also a common abbreviation (in certain crowds) for "Asian," which would have been my first interpretation.

Anonymous said...

Half Asian. You shouldn't miss that one.

Morgan said...

Half Asian, you fool!

Anonymous said...

yup. I'm with everyone else. It's Asian... AZN is pretty much guaranteed to be a part of any preteen Asian's AIM screenname.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Thanks for the corrections... Sometimes we get it, and sometimes we don't, but I still think this interpretation is pretty funny :-)

MooseNuggette said...

He's a *complete* ass with that rear view mirror sign regardless of country of origin. Is that supposed to attract girls? or even guys for that matter!

Intense Guy said...

He needs to be half penis'ed... but something tells me its microscopic in size already.


Erika Schnure said...

What everyone else said... AZN is a fairly common term in the Asian community for... Asian.

Anonymous said...

The rear view mirror sign kind of makes sense with half-Asian too, since the stereotype is that Asian men have small dicks (and are lousy lovers/asexual).