Thursday, May 27, 2010

I see you are playing stupid. It looks like you are winning.

Jerod P. pointed me over to a wonderful site called "Bad Parking" and look what little gem I found (photo credit to Ryan). Let's zoom in, shall we?

That says COMPACT, as in "a small and economical car." I'm pretty sure this monstrosity is the exact opposite. Just look at the size of this thing compared to the car behind it.

Dude, just because you have one, doesn't mean you need to act like one.


Intense Guy said...

Perhaps it is more of an instruction for someone to put this thing in a car crusher...

JDM929 said...

Maybe it's "Compact" as in a part of a make-up kit.

It looks like a garage queen to me, not something the owner actually takes out mudding, everything is way too shiny for that.

MarieC said...

Or maybe it refers to what it does to the other cars it runs over!

Unknown said...

Sometimes we can't tell if a bad parking job is due to negligence, poor skills, or lack of awareness.
In this case, it is clear that we are dealing with a grade-A ass hat.

jackie31337 said...

Back when I had a (relatively) small, piece-of-crap car, I used to deliberately squeeze in next to obnoxious people who parked like this. My paint job was already crap, so they had more to lose than I did.