Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So Many Vanity Plates, So Little Aspirin

My better judgement says I probably shouldn't post a plate this horrid, but then again, this website is all about horrible vanity plates, and it is hump day, so let's just get on with it...

Sir, don't tell me you couldn't possibly think of anything else for your vanity plate of shame. Maybe you are fan of the spice cumin? (I highly doubt it).

Oh but wait, it gets better. Is that a vanity plate for your vanity plate? *slams head upon desk* I give up. You win.

Ladystyx, who sent us this photo, thinks this might be the answer. And I mostly agree, but you would have to think that this driver had, ahem, other intentions for this plate. I mean, just look how that vanity plate's vanity plate is splatter painted. Esh.


Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

How did the state of Virginia allow that one to even be made? Doesn't someone double check? That's ridiculous!

ET said...

Oh my gosh, this made me laugh so hard.

Jesica said...

Maybe it's a reference to a "Cummins" Diesel engine. Here is hoping otherwise that is the creepiest plate to date.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Norse, Jesica, and Boden -- If you go to the link in the post you will see it points to the Diesel engine theory. :-)

And I agree, this is pretty creeptastic.

Erika Schnure said...


FreedomFirst said...

So. Gross.

jackie31337 said...

I kind of get the impression that VA will put any 7 letters on a plate if you give them money. I had a friend from VA who adopted the nickname "kiwidog" after a drunken session of trying to think up words you could put on a vanity plate. To my knowledge, he never got kiwidog on a plate.

WV: ineded. Will VA print this plate? Ineded they will!

Deborah Godin said...

Well, it may be about a diesel, but the double-entendre is intentional, I'm sure. Wouldn't you just love to spike this guy's Jack with a big hit of estrogen...

Unknown said...


also, ewww!

Anonymous said...

But seriously, where's PMS 666 when you need her?

LadyStyx said...

I'd been so focused on the plate itself and the fact it had it's onw plate, that I completely missed the target splatter.

Lapis Kelinia said...

If LadyStyx is right, how much pain will it physically cause you to admit this guy is capable of double entendre?