Thursday, May 14, 2009

What about chocolate?

Priorities. Sigh.

Donna write to us: I thought he stopped driving it to work, and I thought of setting up an undercover operation to go to his house to find it, but I lucked out. So here it is, the HLP to end all HLPs, *Joe's Viper. He does not have a significant other that I am aware of (suprisingly).

*Name changed to protect the guilty.


Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

I'm sure there aren't many states that would actually allow the word SEX on a license plate.

Deborah Godin said...

I agree with Kristin aka - must have been a guy on duty at the DMV office that day.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Only in Pennsylvania, I guess.

ET said...

that's what we call an autosexual



Quick Batman, to the Midlifecrisismobile!

tank said...

That one is truly HORRIBLE.

Heidi Renée said...

Oh hell no.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

OK then!

Katy said...

Obviously I'm an idiot...

I don't get it.


SheBloggs said...

It's just a dumb plate Katy... that's all really.. lol

Anonymous said...

So I think his priorities are 1) sex and 2) his viper.

*rolls eyes

LadyStyx said...

So basically *Joe will be playing with either one "snake" or another?

Kate P. said...

HAHAHA! oh I LOVE it!!

Kate P. said...

I meant I LOVE what LADYSTYX said! Bwahahahahaaa!

Canaduck said...

I'm kind of surprised it's a man's car.

With "Second Sex", I thought it would be a woman's.

You know, like Simone de Beauvoir.

Canaduck said...

Oh, I'm such a dope. I read it five times before I saw it said Second TO Sex.
