Friday, May 1, 2009

Not so funny meow, is it?

PDY TATS (Puddy tats?) comes to us from Kristin. She writes: I was returning a book to my library today, and I tawt I taw a vanity plate in the parking lot. I did! I did, see a vanity plate. Sufferin' succotash!

So you really love your cat. No wait, you idolize it. Congrats, you've moved up to Crazy Cat Lady Status. I am sure you make your 11 cats proud. (Thanks to Kara P for catching this one)

I don't really have a lot to say about this one except... it's ferfect. (Thanks to Kati for this photo)

The title comes from this funny dialog from the movie Super Troopers (where one officer is bet that he can't beat the record and insert the word "meow" 10 times while talking to someone during a traffic stop). Am I jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? No.


ET said...

ferfect? That is just so odd.


Roses said...

I can't find the words to express meow much I love your site!

Erika Schnure said...

I heart Super Troopers.


Bridgete said...

I had a friend from the Philippines whose accent made it sound like "ferfect." But even so, I'm not sure why someone would put that on a vanity plate.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the owner of ferfect meant to fill in the two upper lines of the F to form a P, but then forgot. Just ferfect!

Mrs. X said...

That's my favorite part of Super Troopers, hilarious!

I saw one the other day while I was driving...


I couldn't help reading it like a sheep was saying it because of the extra A.

Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

Oh yeah, one of my pictures was posted! :D (PDY TATS)

I'm with 'Anonymous' - the person meant for the plate to say PERFECT but they had bad handwriting so it looked like FERFECT. And of course, if they did mean for it to say PERFECT, they obviously need an ego check!

Pink said...

I'm waiting for someone to get a license plate that says LOLCAT.

LadyStyx said...

Oh gosh. I KNEW I should have gotten the V.P.s off to you this week ! I got one on Wednesday that would have SO gone well with this entry. *sigh* I'll send it along in a minute and post the rest later tonight.

Donna M. said...

I saw the first one and thought something totally different. "Puddy" is what my niece calls her...uh...errr...uh...private part *blush* So I thought maybe they did tattoos on uh...errr...uh...private parts *blush*

Deborah Godin said...

Unlike many HLPs, the meaning of these is not too hard to ferret out. Pun intended.