Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Identity Crisis II

Our good friend Joe F. sent in NY PLATE (New York Plate?). He writes:

I think someone's confused.

Someone is definitely confused. That clearly looks like a Virginia plate to me...

Unsurprisingly, this isn't our first Virginia identity crisis.


Heidi Renée said...

That plate almost fooled me!

Oh wait, no it didn't.

Intense Guy said...

Maybe its Hillary Clintons...

TheWordWire said...

Came across this and thought you might find it interesting...


Etooz said...

That is because no one wants to live in Virginia.

LadyStyx said...


*reads iggy's comment*

.oO(oh hell no, it better NOT be!!)

Ben B. said...

Random observation: Virginia has to have the most boring license plate of any state. Every other one I can think of has some kind of design or color, but Virginia's is just that plain text on white.

Evil Killer Poptarts said...

I think it might mean "Any plate." I'd like to imagine that he walked up to the counter in the DMV, was asked what he wanted, and he replied, "Any plate," and was given that one.

Aaron of Minneapolis said...

It could be a not-so-great ticket avoidance strategy, hoping that a careless clerk would put it down as an out-of-state plate.