Thursday, December 17, 2009

You're a boob

PERKY was captured by Heather A. The dictionary defines perky as: Lively or enthusiastic; Standing upright; firm.

So as far as I am concerned this vanity plate is either describing this drivers 1) Personality, or 2) Boobies. To that I say: Enjoy them while you can, honey.


Intense Guy said...

I can forgive this plate...

:) I likes perky - either way. LOL!

Etooz said...

I live in Maine.

You could do an entire blog just about Maine vanity plates. There are SO MANY OF THEM.

MooseNuggette said...

At least the 'K' is not a 'V'!

LadyStyx said... they get older the plate gets changed to DROOPY?

Jill said...

Too bad perky can't parky- that's a car parked on white line. Oh well. I'm sure the bubbly personality or jugs...full of bubbly stuff... um, detract attention from the parking job.