Get it? Black + Acura = BLACURA? I know, try not rolling your eyes for the rest of this post. I warn you: It's going to be hard.
It's a SMART car! *Insert I've-gone-completely-mad cackle here* This driver took it one step further than they probably should have. (Is Inspector Morse really a hunk? You decide.)
It's light green! It's a Honda Element! It's an EleMINT. HAR HAR HAR.
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If you've ever talked to someone who has a very very VERY southern accent they will say 'urnge.' Sadly, I got it right away because of where I live.
Wheres the DBLMINT car....wanna see the chicks riding in there!
Daily Gif Blog
I think these are some of my faves!
Also since I found your site I've become a crappy driver - I'm spending too much time scanning plates for a good one!
I think "Blacura" sounds like a vampire's name. (Maybe Blacura is Dracula's cousin or something...)
Grammarphile - I was thinking the same thing!
Thank you for deciphering that orange one for me. I would never have figured that out on my own. I was trying to figure out what "ring bug" could possibly mean.
Poor orange - bad enough that nothing rhymes with it, but it can't even be a meaningful (or funny) Lic Plate abbreviation. Give up already!
Oh man.
Shae's right. I lived in N'Awrlins (dont hate me that's how some of them said it!!) for 6 years. For 4 of them I worked at a school and I was FOREVER trying to get the kids to say orange correctly. I think I got some of them fixed though. Everytime they said errrnge, I'd drag my fingernails down the chalkboard. Hey...nails on chalkboard dont bother me....they're mispronunciation of ORANGE did!
"Blacula" was a horror movie in 1972. Maybe the Blacura drivers are fans.
The more I read these, the more I really want to put "JUPITR1" on my Saturn.
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