Ohio, I thought you were screening these things? How did this driver ever get his dirty plate past the eagle eyes at the Ohio DMV? Is that second 69 really necessary? You drive your mother around in that car?!
Personally, I'd rather eat TOFU.
Kimberly P., thanks for sticking to the true theme here... Creepiness in 8 characters or less. I have to go look at pictures of cute kittehs now to get this mental image to go away.
Nice one. It doesn't suprise me at all that the owner of this is a Yankees fan.
Gag. Gag. Oh no - here it comes. BARF!
That person better not procreate.
Woah. Who was smoking what at the DMV to let that pass?!?
WV - basess - This driver plays with all basess, but prefers 3rd.
Holy cow~some things should be left unsaid.
I wonder if he owns a Chinese restaurant and they're trying to push menu item #69 (Beef and Broccoli?)
it was my pleasure to snap that one..I couldnt WAIT till you saw it..haha!
my word verification is expant
I'm beginning to think that everything in my life revolves around being naked..lol
His plate should have just said TOOL
What if it belongs to someone's Grama and they just can't bring themself to explain it to her?
That Kimber P - she's a hoot! She sent me over here and now I think I'll stick around awhile. This is too funny.
Hey, I thought plates like that were only allowed in Virginia....
OMG I can not believe that!! Horrible! And FreedomFirst, I don't think we need to worry about this person procreating...they seem to enjoy other methods :)
I don't think this is a vanity plate... I think the numbers are just up to that now.
God help us
No no no--obviously a pair of conjoined twins own this vehicle.
"Do you drive your mother around in that car!?" Hahaaa.. that was funny.
As a former Ohio BMV employee, I can tell you for certain...this is not personalized. It's a stock plate.
(they do not allow personalized plates in the same letter/number format as stock plates, for obvious reasons).
Stuff like this happens from time to time, but I'm surprised that the clerk didn't void the plate and use the next one in the box.
Being an Ohioan, I can tell you that's not a vanity plate. "EAT" is a common three letter stock, and two digits of the four-digit number often repeat. They do on my plates. I am surprised no one at the BMV noticed this though...
Yep randomly serialized plates. Back before they went to LLL NNNN it was LLNNLL (L=Letter N=Number) Had the joy of seeing "FA60TU". As a random plate.
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