Monday, February 9, 2009

Worst. Pageant. Ever.

Here we have a young math enthusiast. She was crowned Ms. Math 1996 at the Nevada State Fair. I hear she won the talent portion by reciting pi to the 1000th decimal place. If she really works at it, someday she can rise to the rank of Doctor Math. Or with some really hard work, she'll be at the level of this vanity plate owner, MATHGOD. Bow down and worship me, I can solve some really hard equations.

MS MATH: Gina T.

MATHGOD: Taylor D.


Anonymous said...

Now I know who to pray to before this calculus final.

watercolordaisy said...

OMG I have a friend who would so get one of those plates if she had a car, LOL!!!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

They sum up a lot.

Anonymous said...

As someone living with dyscalculia (google it) these two just plain tick me off. I bet they can put together Ikea stuff by themselves, too. Hate them.

Anonymous said...

It makes me happy to see that the top one's a Buckeye (except for my whole hatred-of-football thing). I judge science fairs, including the Ohio State Science Day fair held at the university. I've seen some amazing projects at OSSD as well as some regional level ones that rivaled my own talents at half-assedness in middle school. I bet MS MATH wouldn't have tried to tell me that her dog ate her abstract.

LadyStyx said...

That last one looks like a plate my brother would get. Always ticked me off that he could read a math problem upside down, backwards and still have it mentally figured out (with the right answer mind you) than I could (reading it the proper way) get it down on paper....

*laffz* my word verif is hoper....go figure.

Unknown said...

h3llc4t... thank you so much for putting me in to snits of giggles regarding the dog and the abstract. What's sad is I don't doubt for a minute someone actually tried to pass that off!

Heidi Renée said...

I was the secretary of the French club my freshman year of high school. I guess I should get a plate for that.