Friday, September 18, 2009

Turd Eaters and Lustful Sedans

Here are two misinterpretation plates for you on this lovely Friday. Please enjoy.
LST CAR is from gigi. She explains: For my first submission, here is something for "Fun with Misinterpretations." It is my mother's plate. We got it for her because she swore this would be her "Last Car"; that was two cars ago! My father, her ex, teases her that it could also mean "Lost Car." I can think of at least one more interpretation.

Lust car it is!

Our second misinterpretation comes to us from Kate in the land of HLPs, Virginia. ATETUD, I guess, is supposed to mean attitude some how? Looks more to me like you are eating TUDS (ATE TUD), or as I like to imagine, TURDS. Try a better spelling next time, poop eater.


randolphm said...

Being a musician, my first thought was "etude."

MooseNuggette said...

"Try a better spelling next time, poop eater." That sentence cracked me up. How juvenile AM I? I love this blog! Thank you for starting my Friday out with a laugh!

Intense Guy said...

Laffs at "Try a better spelling next time, poop eater."

Really makes you cringe at the thought of the driver wearing depends...

LadyStyx said...

You'd think a sorority girl would have picked up on how that looked. Then again, if that's a party sorority, maybe not...